Our goal is simple.

Eat more fruits and veggies and eat less animal products and processed foods. 

It's not an all or nothing type of deal. It's not about losing weight and it's certainly not one of those "D" words you try out for a while and then eventually abandon. It's about being healthy. It's a simple lifestyle change that starts by swapping chips with your favorite veggies. And then making another good decision the next day and another one the day after that. Until one day, believe it or not, you'll have lost that mouth-watering-salty-sugary-gotta-have-it-everyday-craze and you'll actually start to crave the good stuff.


In some cases, it's easy to make the connection between what we eat and how we feel. We know, for example, that a big, greasy, bacon cheeseburger and fries is not the healthiest of meals. But for the most part, we don't realize the true effect certain foods, even foods we consider healthy, can have on our bodies. Take a deli sandwich, for example. Most of us would likely say this is a fairly healthy meal. We certainly thought so. Until we discovered that some types of deli meats, along with other processed meats, are actually carcinogenic. That means they are listed right next to tobacco on the causes cancer list.

“But if this were really true, we would’ve heard about it before, right? Shouldn’t it be labeled at the very least so we know what we’re getting ourselves into? Are there other things I need to know? I thought I was eating healthy.”

These are just a few of the hundreds of questions that started popping up. The more we learned, the more we wanted to continue learning. Could our diet and the healthy foods we thought we were eating really be connected to heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, or cancer? Or low energy levels, acne, insomnia, our athletic performance, or an unexplained skin condition? While some of these connections aren’t too surprising, we were floored to realize the impact we can have on our own health despite our environment, despite our family history, and despite any other preconceived notions we had.

12 documentaries, 17 books, 54 studies and 100+ articles later (and counting), we decided the only way to truly know was to try an experiment for ourselves. Best. Decision. Ever. And now, we're asking you to do the same. We are asking for 28 days.  28 days to prove to yourself it is possible, 28 days to form the right habits, 28 days to see results, 28 days to transform the way you think about food.